4 Effective Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Life

Four ways to get unstuck in your life
22 Jun 2015

I’m very fortunate to meet women all the time who are stuck. You may be asking, “Why is she fortunate?” and, “When is being stuck a reason to be grateful?” Well, let me explain. Being stuck, no matter how challenging, confusing, painful, or frustrating, is a wonderful opportunity to see what you could not see before. It’s an opportunity for growth. However, it can also feel overwhelming and give you even more reason to stay stuck.

I have found that no matter how stuck you are, there are four effective ways to move out of this circumstance. Truth be told, being stuck is a state of resignation or confusion; the key is to elevate your thoughts and vibration before you can move forward with action. My favorite four steps will help you alter your thoughts and raise your energy.

1. Make room for something different.

I always say if I want something different, I need to prepare for it even when I can’t see much further than my nose.  If you want something different, it is essential to get organized. Place energy in your life of “knowing” you are on your way to somewhere new. You must prepare yourself and your living space for a new life. I have learned that our environment has a lot to do with our mental clarity and creativity. Make way physically for what you want in your life. For me, this looked like cleaning out old clothes and papers; so my space was clear with only what I needed. What does that look like for you?

2. Get clear on what you want.

What is your vision for your life? Take time to identify what you do want, not what you don’t want. The “how” in the beginning is not your concern. Write down your goals and intentions. Now, I know you may be asking how you can do this when a state of being stuck has grabbed a hold of you. The thing is, allowing your mind to think about and get excited about what you want, even if it is just a feeling, is imperative to eradicate the feelings of a mental straightjacket. It sounds too simple, but doing it daily for 10 minutes will remove that feeling of being stuck. It will allow room for creative possibilities.

3. Have a heart-to-heart with yourself.

How honest are you with yourself? Are you willing to do the work to change your life?  Is the pain of your current circumstances and reality more painful than making a change? Are you expecting your circumstances to change without making any effort? When answering these questions, it’s important to be authentic and honest with yourself.

4. Find a consistent source of motivation to help push you to where you want to be.

I advise my clients to do an esteemable action step every day. Small, conscious, and consistent steps daily will build esteem to help us feel better about ourselves and do the things in life that lead us to do more and go forward. According to the author of Esteemable Acts, Francine Ward, doing one esteemable act a day will lead to more actions that move your life in the direction you want.

Using these tips, you can move yourself from inertia and frustration, to productivity and a sense of accomplishment.

 Let us know your thoughts. What actions have you taken to get unstuck in your own life?

Photo by Cherie J. Photography


Renee Miller Clayton

Renee, MBA is the Managing Director and Executive Coach of Remember Who You Are Enterprises. She is a graduate of Accomplishing Coaching, an ICF certified leadership and ontological coaching training program. Renee has served as a Mentor Coach. She continues to work with the best and brightest in the professional and leadership development field. Additionally, she is an artist, national and international traveler, and music lover.


  1. Some people need to have a serious heart to heart with themselves and be honest and then do something different. I think people get content and thats how they get stuck in their situation! Great advice!

  2. This post really spoke to me, sometimes I can get stuck in life and its really nice to put things into perspective.

  3. Great advice! I believe having a vision is very important and taking the small steps needed to see that vision come true. Every achievement gives me the motivation to keep going!

  4. Ladies, thank you for sharing your inspiring and authentic words. I hope this article continues to empower and remind you of life’s opportunity. Please share it with those who need it.

  5. Like you I talk to women all the time who feel stuck and unfulfilled and often times they haven’t sat down and figured out what they want for their life. Your tips are on point and the most important one in my opinion is “Get clear about what you want.” If you know what you want then you won’t be stuck living a mediocre life. Yes, there are other action steps that you need to take but getting clear on what you want is essential before you can move forward. Great post!

  6. Great tips. I especially like the one about being clear about what you want. Sometimes we give to much attention to what we don’t like or want but we can’t define what we do want.

  7. These are great points everyone can use. I am working on getting organized now, but it is such a daunting task when so much is going on!

  8. Great post and it definitely gives me lots of think about! Thanks!

  9. Making room for something different is what I always love to do. It keeps my daily goals on edge and helps me to make improvements. I love this topic and always hope to stay unstuck! Thank you for sharing your ideas. 🙂

  10. This post is right on time! I can relate and need to heed this advice. I recently seen a friend post on social media about attracting the right man in her life (I’m in same boat) and a girlfriend suggested making room for him..ie clearing space in closet for his things, etc. I never really thought about it like that before. Good stuff!

  11. This is such good advice. Very empowering. It is so easy to get stuck. Thanks for sharing practical ways to come up out of it.

  12. Wow that was an eye-opener….never thought of being stuck as an opportunity

  13. When ever i feel stuck I will remember these tips and inspiration to us all.

  14. Coming from a place where I was stuck for a while it’s very very nice when I had a hard talk with myself and I was able to get clarity. Once I had a focus there was no stopping me. Great points don’t live life stuck because that stuck will be there and when you look again you will be 80

  15. The crazy thing about the feelings of stuck is that you often times admit to them first before starting any ways past them.. Thanks so much for this article..;) very relevant during transition time..;)

  16. Thank you for this post! I feel like everyone can use this in someway because you can never stop growing in life!

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