Why You Should Never Give Up on Family
14 Feb 2017
As I celebrated my Zion Daughter Testimony CD release and joined my family in thanking God for blessing my parents with 50 years of marriage, there were many times I had to hold back tears of joy. My parents, my siblings and I had overcome so much to celebrate both of these milestones. That evening, the public witnessed a testimony of our family overcoming adversity, contention, misunderstandings, pride and unforgiveness through the power of prayer. As I stood in awe seeing my family’s Testimony come to life, I felt the need to encourage others who may have struggles within their own families.
I know our family is not the only one that faces trials and at times are tempted to give up on each other but we really should not because that is what the enemy wants. We have to recognize his tactics and know that he tries to use us against each other. The Bible reminds us that no matter what things look like, we are not really fighting our spouse, our sibling, our child nor our parent. The sooner we recognize this fact the better for life is short and we may not be given a chance tomorrow to mend broken fences.
These two occasions drove home the point that whether on a public stage or in our private lives Christian families should be a demonstration of Christ’s teaching in both word and action. We need to be the Bible others read in how we take care of each other, serve each other, forgive each other and unconditionally love each other as Christian families. This is not easy when we feel that a family member is being annoying, inconsiderate, unloving; or even when the issue is that we’re dealing with our own jealousies, pride and other vices. But I’m here to testify that with God all things are possible. Because we are in the flesh we will always face one challenge or another within our families but when we do, let us allow the light of Christ to show us how to:
- Take the battle to Jesus and fight the battle on your knees instead of with each other;
- Ask God to reveal what fruit of the spirit is God trying to grow in us;
- Ask ourselves what our role is in the conflict (it takes two to tangle);
- Take the time to compliment and show gratitude to our family members (give them the flowers while they are still here and not at their funeral, as my dad advised us during my aunt’s funeral).
Photos courtesy of KizPics and Freeimages
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