Lessons from Turning 40

22 Jan 2016
I was debating. Debating on whether or not to admit I reached that age which starts with an “F.” They say a woman is never supposed to tell her age. But then I realized what a blessing it is to be turning 40. Healthy. Whole. Happy. And blessed. Surrounded by God’s favor, a beautiful family, and awesome friends. In a place—spiritually, mentally, emotionally—where I know that I know that I know: This is my year to be truly BOLD & FEARLESS.
You know, 40 is a holy number. It’s the number of years the Israelites wandered in the desert before they reached the Promised Land. It’s the number of days Jesus fasted and prayed before He began His ministry. It’s the number of years Moses lived in the desert before God promoted him to lead his people out of slavery. The number 40 is mentioned 146 times in the Bible, and it usually symbolizes a time of testing, trial or probation. So yes, I’m 40—and so grateful to have made it here!
For me, the number 40 means it’s time. Time to claim what God already said was mine. Time to really own up to my given name: Batyaliwawe aka Batya (don’t try to say that at home). It literally means “they fear the person/woman who is in her own space/element.” So my theme for this year is #40andFearless. I will be celebrating my 40th birthday every single day of this year and invite you to join me. Every day you wake up should be a celebration of life!
I shared some of my greatest lessons on my Birthday Periscope which you can watch in the broadcast below. Make sure to follow me on Periscope to catch future broadcasts throughout my #40andFearless year as I continue to share lessons, tips and ideas to help you make 2016 your most fearless year ever. (And you’ll catch my family having a little fun at the end!)
What is your greatest life lesson you’ve learned that you wish your younger self had known?
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