8 Useful Tips for a More Effective Workout

Train with Trin
19 May 2015

Over the years as a fitness professional, I have seen many clients perform exercises incorrectly and then wonder why they’re not getting results. Keep the following tips in mind during your workouts, and see what a difference a few tweaks can make:

  1. Get Lower– Your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point of your squats. If you don’t go deep enough, you’ll miss out on engaging the muscles in your butt, legs and core.
  2. Keep your back straight– Especially during stiff legged deadlifts, which places serious stress on your back. Keep your core engaged and shift your hips back (poke your butt out) so that your shoulders, lower back and hips are aligned.
  3. Train your core off the floor– Traditional crunches cause flexion of the spine as it is pressed into the hard floor; even on a mat this places stress on your back. Try planks, or use the BOSU, Bender Ball or stability ball to protect your spine and better engage your core muscles.
  4. Lift weights that challenge you– If you can handle those 5 lb. dumbbells without breaking a sweat, step it up! Lifting weights does not make you bulky; it builds the lean muscle necessary to keep fat off for good.
  5. Stay upright– Especially during squats and lunges, avoid collapsing at the waist to prevent strain and fatigue of your neck and shoulders. The focus should be on your legs so sit back on your heels and get low!
  6. Eat before and after every workout– Skipping meals deprives your body of the energy it needs and the fuel it craves pre and post workout. Drink a protein shake if you don’t like training on a full stomach or if you don’t feel hungry after you workout.
  7. Switch it up! Doing the same routine over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of workout insanity. Challenge your body to burn more calories by changing your workouts every 4-6 weeks.
  8. Have a plan – Walking around the gym aimlessly for an hour is not going to get you results. Get a journal and track your workouts so you have a plan of attack for each session.

And whatever you do, keep pushing! It may not happen overnight, but by using these tips and eating clean, you will begin to see results from all that hard work.

Photography by BAW Photography LLC.


What training tips do you have to share that have helped you reach your fitness goals?


Trinity Perkins

Trinity Perkins is the founder of Train With Trin. As a born fitness enthusiast turned Figure Competitor, Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, her life’s mission is to motivate and inspire others to take charge of their health and wellness. She understands the endless benefits of exercise and proper nutrition and works with her personal training clients to achieve their goals, and give them tools and techniques to live every day to the fittest. Her writing has been published on livestrong.com. She holds a Bachelors in Communications and Human Services and a Masters in Health Education.

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