Is it Time to Get RADICAL?

01 Feb 2014
**Enter the Raffle for a FREE General Admission Ticket to the Get RADICAL 2014 Conference!
I'm giving away TWO FREE tickets for this dynamic experience taking place March 21-23rd in Reston, Va. Enter below for your chance to win. Contest open until 11:59 pm, February 27th. Good luck!
Where will you be on December 31, 2014? Will you be satisfied with what you’ve accomplished in the year? Will you be excited about the seeds that you’ve planted that you know will be ready for harvest in 2015? Will you be patting yourself on the back for pushing through your fears and doing it anyway? You may think that’s too far away to think about right now, but considering that we’ve already sped through the first month of the year, it’s a question worth asking.
In my ongoing journey of personal growth, I have come to understand that when you’re ready to move to the next level, it’s time to ask for help—something many of us have a hard time doing. But the kind of help you need is different than what has gotten you to where you are now. If you’re committed to growth then you need to be around people who are smarter, savvier, and more accomplished than you. I read this fantastic quote the other day that read: “You can’t open new doors with old ways.” It’s the definition of insanity.
So this year, as I walk purposefully in my path, I have committed to attending a conference whose transformational power I have seen in my baby sister. The Get RADICAL Women's Conference is all about bringing you the education, tools, resources and connections you need to accelerate success in every area of your life. In 2012, my sister, Christine, was doing her own soul searching and figuring out what to do next after quitting her job earlier that year. In a span of 18 months, my sister—who’s never liked public speaking or writing—is now doing the things she’s always feared and building an incredible brand by doing them very well. But it took her stepping way out of her box and seeking out people, opportunities and the help she knew she needed to make it to the next level in her life. It took her attending the Get RADICAL Women's Conference.
Started by Doreen Rainey in 2005, the Conference is an opportunity for women to connect with other women who are all working towards the same thing: creating radical change in their lives to reach their goals and live on purpose. From March 22-March 24 in Reston, Virginia powerful women like Laila Ali (four-time undefeated world boxing champion), Lori Greiner (of Shark Tank fame), and Jean Chatzky (best-selling author and financial editor for NBC’s Today Show) will provide inspiration and practical advice to women from all over the U.S. who are ready to make change happen! Find out what some of them (including Suze Orman) have had to say about this conference.
Also, be sure to join Doreen’s FREE Monday Night LIVE! Power Sessions in preparation for the Get RADICAL Conference. Every Monday between now and March, Doreen will be chatting it up with one of her Get RADICAL Women's Conference teachers as they share success strategies, innovative ideas and new perspectives on how you can do more, be more, have more and give more. To register for this FREE series, click here.
2014 is the year! It’s a time for transition, transformation and triumph. Join me on March 22nd at the Get RADICAL Women's Conference so that on December 31st we can look back and say: 2014 was my year. Click here for more information. Note: I will be receiving a free ticket to the Get RADICAL Conference in exchange for being a part of the media/blogger team. However, all opinions/views shared are my own.
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