Why I Decided to Scrap My Blog and Start Over…

03 May 2015
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that fear never really goes away; you just figure out how to deal with it differently. When I first launched my blog in 2013, I wrote a post called “That Thing Your Fear.” At that time, launching a blog on which I shared my own failures, my insecurities, and my challenges was one of the scariest things I had ever done. We all know how hard it can be to allow yourself to be vulnerable and put yourself on blast. But…
I’m so glad I was obedient to what I knew God was calling me to do—turn my messes into messages that could help others get through their own challenges. When I allowed myself to be human, a surprising thing happened: I received an outpouring of “me-too’s” and “thank you’s” from so many women who could relate to some of the challenges I had dealt with. They appreciated the information I shared to help them grow personally and professionally. Throughout my first year blogging, I got to connect with so many amazing people online and share information about topics I was passionate about. I established a rhythm and got…comfortable.
Not necessarily a good thing, because being comfortable is often a dangerous place to be.
Usually, the more comfortable you are, the more likely it is that it’s time stretch yourself and grow voluntarily, or be forced.
The realization that it was time for me to grow came to me during one of my classes with my Bowie State University students. My social media savvy sister, Christine St. Vil of Purpose Driven Media, was a guest lecturer and gave them a really smart, new way of helping them define and speak clearly to their audience in order to build a strong brand. Instead of marketing to a mass of people who fit into their target audience, she told my students to give one person in that audience a name and a face, and speak to them directly. Kind of like an avatar. It made it much easier to focus your message. Aha! My students weren’t the only ones who had light bulbs going on in their heads… I could sense a shift happening.
By the end of that week, I knew that my time in my comfort zone had come to an end. It was time to live bigger and expand my vision—and my brand—by becoming much more targeted about who and how I wanted to serve. How many times in your life have you gotten an idea, a thought, a nudge that was telling you to grow in a certain direction, but you ignored it? **Raises hand…sheepishly.** Because I had been there, done that several times and paid the price for not listening to my intuition in the past, I knew it was time. Time to build upon what I had already started. Time to re-define and re-focus what it meant to be Bold & Fearless.
When you decide to do something different, something bigger than yourself—you should never go it alone. I mean, Jesus didn’t—why should we?
So I reached out to my circle of amazing women and asked several of them to join me in building a chic lifestyle brand for professional women of Africa and the Diaspora passionate about living lives of faith, purpose, service and leadership. I realized that we needed a space where we could share, uplift and learn from and about one another, while providing information to help us grow personally and professionally—and look good while doing it! (I’ve always loved fashion :))
On May 9, 2015, you’ll begin a new journey on a brand new site with me and my Bold & Fearless Dream Team (some of whom are pictured above)—a group of accomplished, talented, savvy women who will write about various topics including: getting and staying fit; building your business and your brand; profiles of influential women of African descent; learning to trust God when things don’t make sense, and so much more.
If you know anything about me, you probably know that my motto is usually “Go big or go home.” That’s why I have a few more things up my sleeve for you to look forward to!
- In addition to the relaunch of the site, I will also be launching my very first retail product: the Bold & Fearless Quote Cards. This baby has been percolating in the belly of my creative mind for the past ten years. Let me just tell you—it’s been the longest pregnancy ever! I’ve always wanted to create elegant, African-influenced products that inspire, uplift and motivate.
Each card has a unique African pattern and quote to help you along your purpose-driven journey. All of the patterns were taken from items, clothing and textiles that belonged to the most important women in my life—my mother and my sisters. In fact, each of the styles for the totes is named after those very women. The Quote Cards are available online at https://squareup.com/market/boldandfearless and will also be at Nubian Hueman Boutique in Washington, DC. They go on sale on May 7, 2015 and are available in limited quantities. I would love to hear from you so leave me a comment below and let me know what you think about this new product!
- Second, the #BoldandFearless Twitter Party is going down on May 8, 2015 at 1 pm EST. We’ll have some fabulous giveaways including a fantastic Miss Jessie’s Gift Pack, a scrumptious jar of Mango/Vanilla shea butter soufflé from the Sistah Chick, a yummy set of Sweet Potato and Cream Cheese Frosting cake jars from Veggie Cakes, an online guide to 125 Natural Hairstyles from Sisters With Beauty, and more. So don’t forget to mark your calendar for what’s going to be a fun online party! Never been to a Twitter Party before? Click here to learn how to participate.
And of course, if you’re in the DC area, I would love to see you at the May 9th Bold & Fearless Launch Party. You can expect door prizes, a live performance by Zion Daughter and Mbuutu of Uganda, inspiring speakers and poets, and fabulous swag bags from one of our event sponsors—Miss Jessie’s! You can find more details and register to attend at www.boldfearlesslaunch.eventbrite.com.
So there you have it. Me—stepping out on faith once again, because it was time for me to serve the world bigger…bolder…more fearlessly. I would be lying to you if I said that I wasn’t scared of what that means. Because:
When you decide to live bigger, it means that you have to leap out of your comfort zone. The key, though, is to leap—and let faith catch you.
Understand that it’s going to be scary. Expect your emotions to see-saw between excitement and fear and back to excitement and then fear again. That’s normal. Especially when you’re using your gift to pursue something that is so important to you.
But that gift you have—that gift, which puts all those ideas in your head that just won’t go away… That gift which scares you because you’re so passionate about it you’re afraid of failing at it… That gift which is calling you to expand your vision, your mind and your expectations of yourself… That gift is the thing you should be pursuing with all your might.
Just remember that in the process of that pursuit, sometimes—just sometimes—you have to start over in order to serve bigger.
When has starting over in your life been the best thing that could ever have happened to you?
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01 Jan 2018 - blog, Faith, Health + Beauty, Life, Personal Growth
LOL! Mom you are so funny 🙂 I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. I'm looking forward to continuing to use the gifts God blessed me with to inform and empower others. Thank you for being the example for us to follow. Love you!
Wow! I just read your article "Why I decided to Scrap My Blog And Start Over" I know, I know, I should have read it a long time ago but your didn't tell me:-) And Chrissy lecturing at your University and have that kind of impact!?"Give one person in that audience a name and a face and speak to them directly." I have to create more time to read all your blogs:-) "When you decide to do something different, something bigger than yourself – you should never go it alone. I mean, Jesus didn't – why should we?" Keep making us proud:-)
Good job my sister Julian. May He who directed you in this direction open my doors for you. Keep up the good work. More blessings to you. Nnalongo
Thank you so much Nnalongo! That means a great deal and I appreciate your support. Stay blessed!
Thank you so much Darlene! I'm so glad we ran into each other and appreciate you stopping by. Looking forward to keeping in touch. Stay blessed!
Julian- congratulations! This site is so fabulous! I wouldn't have expected anything less. Thank you for giving me your business card. I will stay posted. Great seeing you!!
"Usually, the more comfortable you are, the more likely it is that it’s time stretch yourself and grow voluntarily, or be forced."
It's like you stepped into my head and plucked my thoughts. I was just thinking this today. We need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That's where the growth happens.
Indeed Camesha, that is the TRUTH. As they say, nothing great ever came out of comfort zones. Stay blessed.
First let me say Congratulations on your new launch. I know exactly what you mean about stepping out on faith and listening to the call of the direction you are being led. I have started something similary with Broke on Purpose which is geared towards helping and inspiring people to be smart about their money. I wish you nothing but success.
Thank you so much Melody! I would love to connect to see if there are opportunities to collaborate in the future. You also have a great blog.
I really like your new blog, I like the color scheme and well EVERYTHING!! I am starting a new site as well, and could only hope, it's as dope as this one!
Thanks for the love Bernetta!
I love this and I am looking forward to your new blog. It is always great to stretch ourselves to the limit and really push ourselves. Kudos!!!
Thank you so much Tyra! I’m looking forward to sharing my new site too. Maybe then I can rest… Nah 🙂
Wow sis, way to completely move into MAJOR action. It's funny cause I didn't think that advice was so relevant, just something I thought was common knowledge. I'm sitting here being inspired by all you're doing and all along, you were inspired by something small I shared. Love it! #powermoves Epitome of #BoldANDFearless
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that learning takes place anywhere, with anyone, at any age. Some of the most important lessons I’ve learned, I’ve learned from people younger than me—and you’re certainly not an exception sis! Thank you for your support and pushing me to stretch myself. Just another reason to keep doing what you do: you never know who’ s going to benefit from your message!
What a great read. I am starting my first blog. I felt that I've needed to do this for years but only now am I finding the courage to get out there and be me!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! The best thing you could ever do for yourself is pursue your passion while walking through the fear. It’s a great way to flex your “faith muscles.”
I'm so excited for you sis! This is gonna be MAJORLY EPIC!
I appreciate it that T.! No pressure, right? It’s exciting, but as with anything that calls you to serve bigger, just a little nerve-wracking… In a good way 🙂 As always, I appreciate your support!
Sounds like you're doing big things, congrats! Love those quote cards too.
Thanks Stacie! Yes, those cards have been a *literal* labor of love 🙂
Way to go, Julian. Good to know you've decided to take this bold and fearless step. The retail products look pretty colourful as well. Wish you all the best as you innitiate this re-launch! #StayBold
Thanks for the love Emeka! I look forward to finding ways to collaborate.